19 Apr

If your wish list for the ideal Honeymoon tourincludes great food, opportunities for relaxation and adventureexploration and a overall travel experience. You will find that SriLanka naturally passing the criteria needed by you all packed withinthe island engulfed in the Indian ocean. It is a island packed withbeautiful beaches such as BentotaBeach with its boastful expanding portfolio of renewed hotels andresorts famous for the spicy food which is authentic to the countryadding more adventure and excitement to your honeymoon to Sri lankadelivering the all round romantic and travel experience this is theperfect choice for your holiday destination. There are wide varietyof honeymoon packages to choose from giving you a wide variety ofchoices to be picked from to suit your tastes and needs.

The country is made up different attractions andlandscapes which add value to the overall experience and now it hasbecome much easier to travel to other destinations from Colombothanks to the newly built highway and roads and easy methods oftransportation which includes train journeys that branch out toKandy, a well functioning bus network and a newly introduced air taxiservice provided by leading resorts. What makes the country an idealplace for honeymoon holidays is because of its accessibility toeither easily travel around the country to either see most of thecountry in the span of two to three weeks or you can simply choose toenjoy your holiday based in the place of choice.

Sri Lanka is famous for its wide stretch of goldensands and blue ocean water and the wind provided from swaying coconutand palm trees making it ideal for a beach themed Honeymoon tour thedeveloped ends of the south and the west of the country are known tosafeguard resorts that provide choices for honeymoon packages withthe high level facilities provided you can choose to not leave thearea of your resort, but you should plan a day trip to locations suchas Nuwara eliya for its cold weather and to witness the beauty of theuphill traditional landscapes. Or to visit the old charming citylimits of Galle which is a great combination of beach and culturalbeauty. If you travel to the south west side of the country towardsTangalle to have your beach and island cultural needs met.

If you are on the search for a Honeymoontour which would allow you to experience a more culturallytraditional vacation, then you should visit Nuwara eliya which is thehome for beautiful green hills and the best tea in the country andworld. At first glance the most attractive appeal of the area lies inthe historic and cultural attractions. Further when you travel downto Kandy It is known as the reigning region and the seat of the lastking. When you visit Buddha’s tooth which provides housing for theholy temple of the tooth making it ideal for honeymoon holidays andthis city is made up of dream quality too. you can take romanticwalks around the beautiful lakes indulging on breath-taking beauty ofnature.

If you are looking for a hideaway plan for yourhoneymoon tour to Sri Lanka traveling to the upfront of the countryis very much In a different contrast to what the beaches of Tangallehas to offer for you. A perfect honeymoon to Sri Lanka is incompletewithout having visited the uphill side of the country. The beautifulwaterfalls of Nuwaraeliya provide a beautiful backdrop for some of the most romanticsettings. Everywhere you look the colonial architecture has lefthints and touches of when the country was once under British colonialregime. One of the must visit places during honeymoon holidaysinclude the heritance tea factory which is built from ground up in anold tea factory overlooking beautiful tea grounds with luxuriousdining and nature walks.

Planning Your Budget honeymoon To Sri Lanka

When you arrive in the country for your honeymoonholidays you are ought to know that there are many chances of gettinga good offer in the country and chances of decent lodging withoutmuch worry in areas such as Bentota beach. You need to figure out ifyou want to stay within reach of the beach in a city like Tangalle orwhether you are more comfortable being within the city limits awayfrom natural distractions and enjoy the commercial entertainmentoffered by the metropolitan city of Colombo and indulge on the finestfood offered from five star hotels while overlooking the city andenjoy shopping from some of the leading stores.

If you enjoy being surrounded by beautifularchitecture while being constantly cooled with the breeze of theocean then Galle should be your location to retreat. But if you thinkthe hot weather conditions of the country are not your thing then youcan easily travel to the cooler side of the country in terms ofweather known as Kandy guaranteed to make you feel at home. So whenyou plan your honeymoon to Sri Lanka one of the biggest and mostimportant decisions you have to make is on the location you want tostay in there are many honeymoon packages available but thecombinations provided them may not always be in accordance to yourliking. And it is more fun and exciting when you have to find yourway with your beloved adding more to excitement during your honeymoonholidays.

Advantages Of buying honeymoon Packages

The main purpose of traveling for honeymoon is toenjoy your time and to relax, when you purchase a travel package itincludes the venues in which you can stay in such as Galle withactivities you can do. And better yet if planned properly you areeven able to get married there too either overlooking the beautifulwaterfalls in Nuwara Eliya unless you want it to be ceremonious byhaving all your family members and friend invited, then having aprivate affair included in your package is a great deal. If you booka place in Colombo you are bound to get the best treatment in termsof pampering as there are world class and renowned hotels whowouldn’t compromise their names with bad servicing.

If you have already spent a lot of money for yourwedding ceremony and want to watch out on the expense for yourhoneymoon. This isn’t a request for you to consider cheap optionsbut staying within the limits of a budget package is a great way tocut down on extra costs which you might have to spend on had youvisited places such as Bentota beach which is few miles away fromColombo. And it will leave you enough time to create beautifulmemories during your stay in the country without worrying about theexpenditure allocation for Tangalle.

Resorts offer adults only all inclusive packagesfor you to indulge in, these types of packages are available inNuwara eliya as it is often chosen by foreigners and locals an idealdestination for vacation and getaway with the balanced weatherconditions. therefore you don’t have to worry about beinginterrupted by your kids when enjoying your Bentota beach side. Butif you have children you need not worry as there are hotels andresorts that are child friendly in Kandy the other advantage ofselecting is the food which is already prepared with care and qualitywaiting to be indulged by you and galle has some of the best touristrestaurants that offer a wide variety of local culinary dishes. Butif you are serious about having a good great experience with sea foodthen visiting Bentota beach is your best bet.

By : Greg


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