Real estate is a fast growing sector in Sri Lanka.The post civil war session has made an huge impact on it. Thisparticular sector not only attracts the locals but also targeting theforeigners as well. Lot's of property portals, online propertysellers and builders have found the investing opportunities in thisdeveloping country's commercial and residential sectors and made useof it. Nowadays apartments are more affordable than the houses.Especially in Colombo the apartments have more demand. In the moderndays cost of maintaining a house is huge. So the people have movedinto apartment culture. Cheap than houses, and easy to register andafford. Government also backing these effort by building Flats andapartments as a slum clearance project.
Colombo is a reliable city for the terms ofApartments. The places like Bambalapitiya, Kollupitiya, Wellawatta,and Mount Lavinia are ideal to buy apartment. Colombo has the accessto all important and much needed amenities. Buying an apartment iseasy than buying a house in Colombo, because of the high populationand the competition. The Cost also playing a massive role in buying ahouse in Colombo. Buy in the terms of apartments it is totallydifferent, Cheaper than buying a house in Colombo, also the deed willbe provided before your apartment was built. Easy payment method alsoavailable in apartment culture.
Most of the people in Colombo look to buyapartment or property in the areas like Kollupitiya, Bambalapitiya,and wellawatta, Which are occupied by apartmentbuilders like Span tower ( Because these areashave the access for all the important amenities likes of famousschools, shopping complexes, religious places, banks, railwaystations, etc also these areas are beach oriented too. These are themain factors that the real estate industry targeted. The flatsavailable in these areas build by different builders and constructioncompanies. If you are about to buy apartment in Colombo you shouldconsider and research many things. The location, builders, cost etc.If you see a house for sale or apartments for sale advertisement in apaper or internet there are so many procedures available to reachthat property. You will see many house for sale advertisements inpaper , but most of them are out of the Colombo region. that is howthe Apartments have occupied and registered their stamp in Colombo.
Span Tower (, brand named SpanEngineering (Pvt) Ltd is a successful builders, sellers of apartmentsreal estate in Colombo. They are in the field for over a decade, andaccomplished successful projects. They have the CMA (CondominiumManagement Authority) certification for their each and every project.Still getting certified for their ongoing projects too. Theapartments built by Span Tower, are available in luxury andnon-luxury. Also available in two, three and four bedroom concepts.People in Colombo mostly prefer two or three bedroom apartments. Spantower fullfill their needs by providing the best in the business.