Erectile Dysfunction is a form of erection problems that affects the man's performance during sexual intercourse. The symptoms of erectile dysfunction includes premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and the most common symptom of ED which is the inability to get an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.

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The human body is a very confusing thing. Something that men would never want to face in their lives is Erectile Dysfunction. It is an embarrassing disease to face and happens when a man least expects it. It can cause unwanted and awkward conversations with your partner and sometimes can really take a toll on your partner.

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Erectile dysfunction is a common problem nowadays in UK. It is widespread and curable. Men are the victims of this problem. Men over the age of 40 get affected by ED mostly. ED is the inability of provide or hold significant amount of erection for a sexual intercourse. A bad blood flow to the penile organ is the cause of this problem.

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