Search engine optimization is an emerging business development process in Sri Lanka. Most of the businesses are using this service to increase their client base in a shorter period of time. SEO is not a single process. It is a combination of multiple processes. SEO is very effective for small business. Because there are so many small businesses are operating in Sri Lanka. Most of them have similar products. This is where they become competent to each other.

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You may have heard of the term SEO while designing and developing your business website. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the use of various techniques on your website and off it to increase the rank of website when a certain keyword related to your website is searched.

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The Online Market in Sri Lanka has come a long way. Although this island may have been seen as a more traditionally driven market place, it has evolved throughout the years. This has happened in many ways. For one the post war era has led to many investors setting up their operations and leading to a healthy economic growth to take over various industries.

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