07 Dec

Securing the space for Sri Lanka business in online world is mandatory for every businesses in Sri Lanka, because of the rapid growth of internet users in Sri Lanka. This fact has generated the demand for online marketing companies in Sri Lanka. The SEO, Social Media Marketing, Paid Campaigns (Google Adwords, Facebook Paid Advertising, Twitter Paid Advertising) are fallen under the belt of internet marketing. The Sri Lanka business are required to spread their investment through all the parts of internet marketing methods as mentioned above to reserve their business space on the online market of Sri Lanka. EQLankaSEO is an internet marketing company in Sri Lanka, that specializes in search engine optimisation (in short S.E.O), social media and other paid campaigns to boost traffic and visitors to business website and generate more sales. Even though there are other online marketing methods, on this article let’s discuss about S.E.O and basic things to know about S.E.O which will be helpful to find the best SEO company in Sri Lanka such as EQLankaSEO to get top rankings on Google and other search engine results, and empower & improve online presence for business in not only Sri Lanka’s but also world wide online market.

EQLankaSEO, the Sri Lanka SEO Specialist Company Gets Top Rankings on Search Engines like Google

Search engine optimization can be categorized into two steps, such as On-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO means, confirming website is search engine friendly by meeting guidelines provided by search engines. For example, search engines give more preferences for user-friendly websites. Here are some factors to analyze to make sure website is user-friendly (i.e search engine friendly) :

  • Easy to understand structure (example : Navigation Structure) 

  • Clean and meaningful inner URL structure 

  • Unique and useful content for users 

  • Non-spamming, meaningful title and meta description (including target keyword, either fully or partly) 

  • Load time (how fast the user can load the site) 

  • How broken links are handled (if user click on a link which is not on the website, how it is handled) 

  • Neat and clear sitemap.xml 

  • Accessible in all devices and all browsers 

If you hire the EQLankaSEO one of the best SEO specialist company in Sri Lanka, they start your SEO project by analyzing your website, and fix all the on-page SEO issues to establish search engine friendliness for your website and business in Sri Lanka. The SEO company in Colombo is on the SEO services market for long time, and offers valuable and results driven SEO services to Sri Lanka and international business, which are in need of search engine optimization to expand the trade.

The next important part is the off-page SEO, which is also known as link building, i.e web promotion. On this part, your SEO specialist or the SEO company in Sri Lanka places link of your website on various other websites on world wide web. With such activity (getting more incoming links for your site), the “trust” factor is improved for website. And, search engines do not hesitate to show up the website with high “trust” factors, on top results. A professional SEO specialist knows, from which site to get a link back, and from which site not to. A link from spammy site may ruin rankings on search engines, on the other hand, a link from highly trusted (by search engines and users) sites helps a lot to boost the rankings on search engine results. A reputed SEO company in Colombo Sri Lanka is a key to get top rankings on search engines like Google and help to reach the fast growing internet users in Sri Lanka (i.e : online target audience). Begin your search for the best SEO company in Sri Lanka today with a single Google search itself.

Written By : GregStefaniak, the Polish Guy

Source :https://seosrilankaweb.wordpress.com/2017/12/06/seo-company-sri-lanka-eqlankaseo/

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