18 Dec

People do travel for many reasons, for business, vacations, medical and etc. The lodging and accommodation is a major part of traveling. Because After spending long hours in traveling, you definitely need a place for relaxation. Places like hostels, apartments, houses, hotels give that luxury for you. These are some of the best known lodging types nowadays. The choices may differ according to the traveling choice. Apartments and houses are totally different concept from hostels and hotels. Because apartments and houses can be purchased for permanent stays. But we can only book or rent a room or suit in a hotel for a short period of time. These rental facilities are available in apartments too.  

Renting Service Apartments In Colombo For Short Stay 

There are several types of apartments available for you in capital city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Likes of serviced apartments, fully furnished apartments, one bedroom apartments, two bedroom apartments, and three bedroom apartment. These are available in different styles and shapes. Mostly the Colombo serviced apartments represent all these types. People look for service Apartment for Rent in Colombo for short stay and long term stays. These Colombo serviced apartments can be found in many resources. Like, their business website, online property portals, Airbnb, House Trip, Roomorama, Homeaway, Wimdu and more. 


Checklist Before Moving Into Colombo Serviced Apartments 

It is really important to check and identify that the service apartments in Colombo meet our requirements and budget. So you need to maintain a check list for that. Because we are investing a sum of money to get the best outcome. So you have to make sure that all the basic needs can be full filled by staying in Colombo serviced apartments. When you think about Service Apartment for Rent in Colombo you should make sure you are able to update you checklist with the below list: 

  • Well equipped Kitchen 

  • Great Flooring and walls 

  • Secure door and window system 

  • Air-condition and heating facility 

  • Quality bathroom facility 

  • Non-stop electricity and water supply 

  • Luxury amenities in reachable distances 


Security Level Of Colombo Serviced Apartments 

If it is a long stay or short stay, you have have to make sure that the Service Apartments in Colombo has the best security measures initiated as precaution. Because sometimes you may have to stay alone. In that case you need to be in a more secure zone. Apartments like Crescat Apartments ColomboResidencies.com provides you with that kind of safe environment. It gives a home stay kind of an experience where you can cook your own food, more free space, safe environment, friendly neighbors etc. Because these apartments are located in the most secured zones of Colombo. You can verify all these details from their business websites. They have produced all their details in the website with clear images. 

Source :https://crescatresidencies.jimdo.com/2017/12/18/why-colombo-serviced-apartments-are-the-best-choice-for-short-stay/

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